Research Interests
Urban sustainability, Environmental remote sensing, Land use and land cover mapping, Multi-source data fusion, Time series analysis, Machine learning, and Deep learning
Research Experiences
Ongoing research projects
[1] Evaluating the visual accessibility of urban greenspaces from different building heights on a global scale
- Develop an efficient method to calculate the green view index (GVI) of different building heights.
- Evaluate the visual accessibility of urban greenspaces across different cities worldwide.
[2] Generating a worldwide high spatial resolution hourly land surface temperature product
- Develop a high spatial resolution, hourly LST data generation framework using ECOSTRESS LST data, as well as multi-source data.
- Apply the framework globally to generate a valid product.
Several previous projects
[1] Research on Segment Anything Model (SAM)-Assisted remote sensing crop mapping
Enhancing crop mapping through an automated sample generation framework based on SAM
- Evaluate the performance of SAM for crop parcel segmentation using medium-resolution satellite imagery, such as Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8.
- Develop a novel automated sample generation framework based on SAM.
- Assess the effectiveness of the framework in Henan Province of China and southern Ontario of Canada.
- Relevant code can be found at SAM-CropSampleGeneration. Related publication: Sun et al., 2024.
A weakly supervised learning method based on SAM for crop mapping
- Use adapters to finetune SAM for crop parcel segmentation in Sentinel-2 images.
- Generate high-quality pseudo labels through finetuned SAM and weak annotations, replacing the labor-intensive process of obtaining pixel-level annotations.
- Apply pseudo labels to train a fully supervised segmentation model to conduct crop mapping.
- Relevant code can be found at SAMWS. Related publication: Sun et al., 2024.
[2] Large-scale crop mapping with multi-source satellite images using a spatiotemporal datacube-based deep learning framework
- Develop a datacube-based framework to conduct large-scale crop mapping.
- Adopt a novel sample extraction technique based on spatiotemporal datacube.
- Fuse GF-1 and Sentinel-2 multi-temporal images by early and late fusion strategies.
- Related publication: Sun et al., 2024.